Dragonfly’s Loyalty Program is here to show gratitude to our most loyal and consistent members!  Sign up for a Fly 12 or higher and start automatically earning free stuff.  Everyone loves free stuff right?!  See details below and let us know if you have any questions.

Commit to 3 classes/week with a Fly 12 Membership and receive:

  • A free Members Only item valued at approx $20-25 (ie hat, water bottle, etc) after 3 consecutive months.
  • A birthday ride every year
  • Open Gym Hours – Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-1:30, Sun 8am-9am, 10:30-12pm (days and times subject to change based on demand, but during these slots you can just come in and use the gym for free!)
  • All these loyalty program perks are approx. a $100 value. After 12 months are up, it starts over again!

Step it up to 4 classes/week with a Fly 16 Membership and receive:

  • A free Members Only item valued at approx $20-25 (ie hat, water bottle) after 3 consecutive months.
  • An even better 2nd free “Members Only” item valued at approx $40-45 (ie t-shirt, long sleeve t) after 6 consecutive months. These are not for sale, so exclusive to members only!
  • A birthday ride every year
  • Spin shoe rentals on us
  • Open Gym Hours – Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-1:30, Sun 8am-9am, 10:30-12pm (days and times subject to change based on demand, but during these slots you can just come in and use the gym for free!)
  • All these loyalty program perks are approx. a $200 value. After 12 months are up, it starts over again!

Go Crazy with 5 or more classes/week with an Unlimited Membership and receive:

  • A free Members Only item valued at approx $20-25 (ie hat, water bottle) after 3 consecutive months.
  • An even better 2nd free “Members Only” item valued at approx $40-45 (ie t-shirt, long sleeve t) after 6 consecutive months. These are not for sale, so exclusive to members only!
  • Again a more awesome 3rd free “Members Only” item valued at approx $75-100 (ie hoodie, sweatpants, gym bag) after 12 consecutive months.  These are not for sale, so exclusive to members only!
  • A birthday ride every year
  • Spin shoe rentals on us
  • Open Gym Hours – Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-1:30, Sun 8am-9am, 10:30-12pm (days and times subject to change based on demand, but during these slots you can just come in and use the gym for free!)
  • All these loyalty program perks are approx. a $350 value. After the 12 months are up, it starts over again!

Pay for an entire year of the Unlimited Membership UPFRONT and receive all of the above PLUS:

  • 12th month free! ($299 value)
  • 50% off 1 Private Event at DFLY ($250 value)
  • A dedicated Locker (first 10 people to sign up) with a lock and plaque with your name so you can store your belongings at DFLY!
  • Pre Booking of Classes (send us your class schedule 4-6 weeks and we will pre-book all your classes so you’re guaranteed your bike)!
  • 10% off all branded merch
  • Annual 1-1 fitness consultation – one hour long session with any trainer of your choice to go over in depth measurements, BMI, goals, etc. and then put together a plan to execute on those goals ($100 value)
  • All these loyalty program perks are approx. a $650 value PLUS the dedicated locker and pre-booking services (priceless!)

Got questions?  Email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!