Jennelle Williams-Baker

Studio Assistant

Hello 🙂 I’m Jennelle W Baker and I’m the newest edition to the DFLY team! I’ve been on a wellness journey for the past several years and I encourage others online to live, eat, and be their best selves in mind, body, and spirit.

When not at the front desk, I post weekly only my wellness YouTube channel (Holistic Hunny- shameless plug!) as well as write and direct across several mediums. The latest project I’m working on is a documentary exploring the health disparities in the black community and how to create a more balanced lifestyle to combat those alarming statistics. I look forward to taking all the classes DFLY has to offer and getting to know the clients here!


Top 3 songs to Ride/Workout to:
1. Who Gon Stop Me- Jay Z & Kanye West (*sigh*)
2. X- Schoolboy Q, 2 Chains, Saudi (or most songs on the Black Panther soundtrack)
3. Steppin- Wande, Queen Lee

Top 3 Guilty Pleasures:
1. The Golden Girls (I’m really 65 years old)
2. Salt & Straw Honey Lavender ice cream (very specific, I know)
3. Folding freshly washed, fresh-out-the-dryer towels (It feels like a warm hug. I’m living the dream at work)

Top 3 Things to Do on the Weekend:
1. Going on a long walk & getting lost in the music
2. Going to comedy shows
3. Exploring new cafes/food spots (suggestions are always welcomed!)

Follow Me:
YT: @theholistichunny
IG: @theeholistichunny
TT: @theeholistichunny